Friday, November 21, 2008

NaNo Day 21

Yes, I know I haven't posted any NaNo updates in forever. I've been afraid! You see, my word count is quite sad. :( As of day 19 I didn't even have 20k yet... As of day 20 I didn't even have 25k yet... And as of right now I don't even have 30k yet! Utter sadness! But I haven't lost all hope yet. My goal is to have 30k by the time I hit the sack tonight... tomorrow would be a wonderful day for NaNo catch up, but I have another problem. While I've been moaning and groaning about NaNo (but never actually writing obviously) I have managed to neglect school. So tomorrow is homework catch up day... so I guess Sunday will have to be NaNo catch up day. *sigh* I'm VERY stressed right now... and I haven't even told you guys the half of it...

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