Sunday, November 30, 2008

Well I Just Can't Believe This

I won! And even if I can't, you'd better believe it!

Somehow I've managed to drag myself across the finish line. I wrote over 50,000 words in my story in the month of November (oh and just a side note for those of you who are curious, my story's not even half over). I'm not sure how it happened (considering the fact that I didn't even have 40k yet on the morning of day 29). But I'm thankful it did. And it feels so GOOD! I feel like a giant load has been lifted off my shoulders. It is really quite spectacular. Now I can finally get back to my normal life. My friends, my family, my schoolwork, my chores, my life... If you asked me to do something sometime in the past month and I still haven't done it... you'd better ask me again. Chances are whatever it is, no matter how big or small, has probably slipped my mind.

Thank you so much to everyone who encouraged me, and word warred with me. You don't know just how much you all mean to me. *hugs* I love you guys!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 26 of NaNo is Over...

Only four days to go.

And I am SO behind.

35,145 is what I have.

14, 155 to go.

I'd better get writing!

Friday, November 21, 2008

NaNo Day 21

Yes, I know I haven't posted any NaNo updates in forever. I've been afraid! You see, my word count is quite sad. :( As of day 19 I didn't even have 20k yet... As of day 20 I didn't even have 25k yet... And as of right now I don't even have 30k yet! Utter sadness! But I haven't lost all hope yet. My goal is to have 30k by the time I hit the sack tonight... tomorrow would be a wonderful day for NaNo catch up, but I have another problem. While I've been moaning and groaning about NaNo (but never actually writing obviously) I have managed to neglect school. So tomorrow is homework catch up day... so I guess Sunday will have to be NaNo catch up day. *sigh* I'm VERY stressed right now... and I haven't even told you guys the half of it...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Word Wars!!!

Oh word wars... you are my motivation!

I love you dear word wars.

You are helping me through this insanely dangerous journey dubbed NaNoWriMo.

When I was in my most depressing valley of word count shame, you led me to the light.

Thank you, though I have not yet reached the needed amount of words, I know you will help me over the finish line.

You are my hero.

I am forever grateful.

Anyone up for a word war? :D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nano Day 6

I know I haven't posted over the past few days. I've been busy doing a lot of things... or should I say pretending to do a lot of things while really doing nothing? Least of all writing... As you can see from my word count I'm in sad shape. But I'm trying! And hopefully soon I'll be completely caught up. Please, if you're reading this start bugging me! I know a lot of you have ways to contact me, some probably even know where I live, and if all else fails try a comment on this post. I could use all of the pokes I can get! Trust me on this one... Well I'd better go to bed. I want to be an early riser tomorrow so I can conquer my writing day before it gets to far a head of me... Fat chance, right?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NaNo Days 1 & 2

Well I'm not doing so well as you can tell from my word count widget on the sidebar. My goal for the day is 4k. Pitiful but at least it's something. I've been pretty busy, and I'm an amazing procrastinator... *sigh* Oh and I decided on a tentative title, "Come What May". Not so good but it's fine for now. Time to go write!

Friday, October 31, 2008

15 Minutes!

NaNo starts in 15 minutes.

Yes I am staying up until after midnight.

I'm SO tired though.

And I have so much school to do.

And I'm tired.

And NaNo starts in 15 minutes.

Oh, and I'm not even ready.

Did I mention I'm tired?

Maybe so.

Sorry about not posting character sheets.

I haven't even finished them yet.

Because I'm tired.

But NaNo starts in 15 minutes.

What am I going to do?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brief Synopsis

So far I'm thinking I will seriously regret doing NaNo this year. I REALLY want to do it, and I'm going to, but school is really weighing on me. It feels like I'm light years behind in math, and my science homework is crazy, when you throw in the rest of my classes plus the "home" work which kind of comes from being homeschooled... Wow.

I guess I'm getting up really early in the coming month. To all of you guys, fellow insane writers, and everyone else too, I'm going to need some serious encouragement this November!

Well I've been working on some plot development and character sheets today. I'll try to post the character sheets soon, but for now here is the brief synopsis. Oh and I don't even have a title yet! Please, suggestions?

This is the story of Lilly, Drew, and Adrian… three people who have so much to learn about their own lives, and how God’s hand as been guiding them, even through the valleys, every step of the way.

Lilly is seventeen, though she is on the verge of her high school graduation she still feels like she will never be able to figure out her plans for the future, she is still so caught up in the past. Though she has tried ever since the accident to completely surrender her life, past, present, and future to the Lord, her twin brothers death still haunts her. And her arm displays a terrible scar, a daily reminder of the tragedy she was helpless to prevent. Her deceased brothers two best friends newly discovered love for her just adds to the confusion as she becomes the reason for their division. Soon the shocking discovery that Tommy’s death wasn’t an accident, and that there is a killer who is determined to finish the job he started nine years earlier, brings Lilly to the edge of sanity, and she has yet to learn that this is only the beginning.

Adrian’s eighteenth birthday is a few months away, but his deepest wish is to just be eight years old again. He wishes he and Drew both could be transported back to the simple carefree days before Tommy’s death. The days when you could trust because you had never been forgotten, when you could believe because you had never been forsaken. Those days were over. Now Adrian had no one but Drew, and Drew had no one but Adrian. Everyone else, God included, had abandoned them… or at least that’s what is felt like. But all of a sudden life had thrown a new twist at them, Lilly. She had always been there, yet it was like Adrian was only truly seeing her for the first time. Only there was one problem, Drew felt the same way. Life had taken from Adrian everything that mattered most, and had refused to grant him the little he’d asked for. Would he find true hope in Jesus before it was to late?

Drew doesn’t want to grow up. He knows it’s inevitable, but he’d rather just curl up and die. If it wasn’t for Adrian that’s exactly what he would do. But, when eight year olds take an oath of friendship there is no going back. So though life (in his opinion) has thrown him more lows then he deserves he keeps on keeping’ on, his anger at God forever in the forefront of his mind. But when both he and Adrian reveal their feelings for Tommy’s sister to be a little more than brotherly, tempers flair and lifelong bonds are broken. But another terrible event is on the horizon, and when in the days following Drew’s long forgotten father appears out of no where will the strain of life without a true Father to guide him push Drew over the edge?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Another Year...

November is on the horizon! You all know what that means... National Novel Writing Month here I come! Yes I have decided to attempt the 50,000 word challenge again. I'll be posting updates on this blog as the time for starting approaches, and throughout the month of November. Check back for info on my plot and excerpts from my story once everything gets underway! I'll also be updating my regular blog so keep checking back there as well. Thanks everyone!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Book Reveiw

Thanks to all of you faithful readers who checked back for a excerpt from my story and never found one! Yes I know I'm bad. Sadly, you wont be getting one either. *listens to offended gasps* Sorry! Instead I am going to share with you a review of Beyond the Reflections Edge, a awesome books by Bryan Davis.

Bryan Davis has done it again in his new action-packed thriller Beyond the Reflection's Edge. Composing a novel of faith, hope, and love, Mr. Davis has created a complex story worth reading and re-reading. This book kept me entranced, you won't be able to put it down!

So go check this and other books by this author out! or buy it on!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Well It's Over!

Well it's over. When the clock hit midnight I only had 48k. Before I went to bed last night I had 50,004. So in my own way I finished, a few hours behind everyone else. Well I still feel good about the month of November. Besides there's always next year!

Just to let you know Lyndsey is feeling better. Thank you for praying!

I will post one more time in this blog to give you some more story excerpts so keep checking back!

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Please Pray!

Please pray! Lyndsey has had a really bad cough for a few days now and it is getting worse. Now she has thrown up. Please pray for her! She always seems to get any and every kind of sickness that comes around. Thank you for your prayers.

Now to give you a writing update. As you can see my word widget was updated. It did not do it!!! Well maybe I did but I didn't want to. It was a accident! I know you are all disappointed in me and my word count but I am trying! I am dropping school and everything to try and catch up in time to make it over the finish line in less then a week. I am not going to bed tonight until a pass a certain amount so I must go and finish writing because I'm tired!

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Goodnews, bad news, Thanksgiving, and pictures!

Good news and bad news. The good news, my word count is coming along! The bad news is I have decided not to change my word count widget so you can't tease me about my still being behind! Sorry.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!!! I love Thanksgiving! Who else has their favorite Thanksgiving food as stuffing/dressing? *sees her hand is the only one raised* Come on people get some taste!

This is really random but......Who else likes to take lots of pictures but doesn't have a digital camera so tries their best not to take a lot at one time because of lack of money and the cost of film??? Anyone besides me??? Did anyone even understand that sentence?..........I'll take that as a no. Well I'm going to post just a few of Lyndsey and my pics! They are above!

Now I am going to write.......................

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I just have to post! All of you guys might want to kill my mom for making me do the speech thing which set me behind on my word count and stopped me from giving you excerpts. But not me! I just want to say THANK YOU MOM! At first I didn't want to go but now I am so very thankful for my mother making me and if I am ever given another chance to go to a conference like that one I will jump at it! Now for all of you fans! :) I am working on catching up (I haven't given up yet!). I am also working on the excerpts I promised. Now I must say one more thing about that conference! I don't think I will post in detail but I had fun and we will leave it at that!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bad Me!

I know I haven't given you guys another excerpt and I know I haven't been posting at all! So just sue me! :) You may think this is all very bad but I have worse news. I haven't been writing! The word count you see on my widget is not right. I have more words then that but I am still VERY far behind. Now you may think that is simply terrible but I have worse news. I wont have time to write anything else until Sunday because my mom signed me up for a speech conference that lasts all day! (I'm not kidding! It's from 8:45am to 9:00pm!) One last piece of bad news. THERE WILL BE NO STORY EXCERPT UNTIL SUNDAY OR MONDAY! *dodges rotten veggies as she screams* Blame my mother!!! (I still love you mom). Well I must go and finish the homework for the lovely conference. Bye. I hope you guys will still speak to me. :) Bye.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

My Last Word Widget Post!

My word widget has been changed yet again (you may see that a lot in the future of this blog). You might also notice the word count has been updated. Not by much (I really wanted to reach 15k today but I'm tired and I have church and lots of other stuff tomorrow so I must go to bed). Well I must go!
Bryce or Twin4God

PS: Sorry about the fact that I didn't post a excerpt today. I'm really pushing for tomorrow. I might even have two just because I didn't get one out today.

Word Widget Again!

Sorry for such a short post but I must say this. I UPDATED MY WORD WIDGET! I liked the other word widget better but I had some issues with that one so now I have a new one! I love saying word widget! Word widget, word widget, word widget, word widget, word widget, *voice fades in the distends* word widget, word widget, word widget..........

Friday, November 9, 2007

Word Widget! Day 9!

I'm sorry but I must ask before I explode! WHO LIKES MY WORD WIDGET? There now I can take a deep breath and calm myself.
For all of you who are wondering about my word count....... *hides* *speaks from hiding spot* Just look at my new word widget and you will see the sad truth. I'm sorry about my lack of writing today. I will try to do better tomorrow but I have lots of school and some speech stuff to do so....... PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! *runs away from angry mob* *voice fades in the distends* I'm so sorry...................

PS: Another story excerpt coming.....SOON! (Hopefully tomorrow!)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

First Story Excerpt!

The first story excerpt from Hannah's House! *drum roll* *trumpets sound*

Audrey Kirk took one look down main street and wished she could turn around and drive back to her nice home in Huntsville, Alabama.
“HONK HONK!” Audrey jumped out of her stupor at the sound of honking behind her, and only then did she realize she had stopped her brand new Toyota Camry right in the middle of road. She quickly stepped on the gas and moved far ahead of the rundown pickup behind her. After about ten seconds of driving, she spotted a giant sign that read - “The Best of Pleasant” and had a arrow pointing right around the bend of the road.
“Well finally!” She shouted in triumph, somehow missing the fact that the sign was handwritten, on a piece of plywood, in some country bumpkins scrawl. Eighteen year old Audrey rounded the corner of main street and came face to face with “The Best of Pleasant”. A nasty backwoods gas station sat right off the side of the main road. A sign, obviously by the same artist as the one before, was pinned to the door. For the second time that day Audrey Kirk stopped and stared. Soon, she was yet again awakened by the sound of a horn blaring from behind. She snapped her head up and glanced in her review mirror. Just as before, a yellow- brown pickup truck was parked right on her bumper with its driver blaring the horn to high heaven. “What a disgusting colored vehicle.” Audrey muttered to herself as she turned into the parking lot of the station and parked her car. As he drove by Audrey caught a glimpse of the driver; he wore a white t-shirt with tobacco stains all over it, his face was dirty and looked in need of a shave, and the cap perched on top of his head was the same color as his truck. Just before he was out of sight the man leaned out his open window.
“Tourists!” He shouted in a strong southern accent, a huge wad of tobacco showed in his open mouth.
Two thoughts invaded Audrey's mind as the man and his truck disappeared around the next bend. The first was, "What a disgusting man.", and the second, "What tourist would come here by their own free will?". Dark haired, dark eyed Audrey leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. She felt drained, emotionally. After a few minutes of silence she opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She didn't feel she could bear to actually see the inside of “The Best of Pleasant” so she slowly backed out out of her parking spot and making sure to look out for any dijon colored trucks, she pulled onto main street.

I know it is short, but more will come soon!

Day 8!!!

Yikes! It is day 8 already! I am still behind on my word count *ducks all rotten vegetables thrown at her*. I know I should by worried, ashamed, blah blah blah! :) It may seem like I am taking this a bit to lightly but I'm not! My mom is about to be driven crazy by my worry over getting to far behind on my word count and my apparent need to be on the computer all the time! (I can't write freehand! My thoughts just don't.....flow!) I am the worlds largest procrastinator and so instead of doing my school and writing I am doing...... other stuff! (I'm bad and I know it!) :) It seems like I am in the middle of some of that "other stuff" right now so *hides from rotten veggie throwers* I'd better run!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The 6th Day of NaNoWriMo!

It is already day 6! I can't believe it. So much time has already past. I'd better get writing! Right now my word count it (drum roll please)..........7,020! I know it's pretty puny but I'm working on it! The first chapter of Hannah's House (my story!) is done and I'm proud! This chapter may not even be in my edited version (the one I hope to finish in December) but it still needed to be written and now I have 7,020 words so what can I say except this: I'm happy!

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Days Until November Are Zooming Away, HELP I Can't Stop Them!

Less then a week until Nano!!! I have had a last minute plot change so I am struggling to finish my outline by next Thursday. I hope to get most if not all of it done tomorrow, but I also have tons of school to finish by Thursday or sooner and I am getting behind!!! If I don't pick up the pace I am in trouble when November rolls around!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

November Is Almost Here!!!

November is almost here! I love November for many reasons,

1. It cools down here in FL. It goes from the 90s down to the 70s or 80s.

2. The Christmas season is almost here!

3. Thanksgiving!!! (I love good food!)

These are all good reasons but now I have another reason to look forward to the month or November. National Novel Writing
Month! (
) So come along with me on my journey to 50k!